Thursday, June 1, 2023

My recent person chain card postcard came home

I joined many chain cards before and this person's chain card is no different. It always brings excitement every time my chain card came home. I do not mind if it arrived a long time as long it will arrive back home to me.

This particular chain card is called the person chain card theme. It traveled 305 days en route to the Philippines, 3 USA destinations, Australia, Philippines, and came home to me.

This particular person's chain card is from Nick Velinda when he crossed Niagara Falls. There was not enough space for person stamps so I put the stamps on the front.

What is a chain card? It is a postcard that has a certain theme of stamps. There might be 5 or 6 members that will join.  You need to cover the other stamps and only show your stamps when you send your postcards to the next recipient.  You will always send your postcard to the same person. You have a chat group to know and where are the postcards now. You also need to show proof when you sent or received any postcards from the group. IThis chain card is all about a person so the stamps were persons from ranging of Presidents, athlete, special stamps, and heroes from all over the globe. Normally, you are required to place two stamps in a certain spot should just ask for one stamp to fit in my postcard.  It still turned out well. Thank you everyone for all your beautiful person stamps.  I hope to join my next chain card projects.

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My recent person chain card postcard came home

I joined many chain cards before and this person's chain card is no different. It always brings excitement every time my chain card came...